
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Backwoodsman and Bigfoot 911

Well, the latest issue of the Backwoodsman magazine has hit the stands, and once again there is some Bigfoot content within its pages.

This time out we find a nice piece by John Bruner, founder of Bigfoot 911, and an avid Bigfoot hunter.

Bruner touches upon some of his Bigfoot experiences from childhood to today and also about his founding of the group Bigfoot 911.

It's not a very long read, but worth the time it takes to read the article, as are most of the articles Charlie Rich's Backwoodsman magazine presents to us every other month. I suggest you go out and pick up a copy before they're gone, or better yet, get a subscription so you don't miss any of the Bigfoot news shared through the readers.

Monday, September 4, 2017

The Power Line Bigfoot Incident

A fellow bigfooter and went out to examine a site for evidence today. We found a few itrms of interest, but nothing definitive. First though, I want to share the details of the sighting.

This story comes to me second person, and I wasn't able to interview the person who had th sighting. Over the weekend a person I know came to me to relate the tale.

His friend was driving home after a long days work and was approaching a certain powerline crossing. He glanced to his right and saw what he thought was a super sized bear standing up on its hind legs. The head of the animal towered over the brush on the side of the road.

He apparently didn't think much of it other than the immense size of this creature. Perhaps it was just a bear, bit I was still interested in the sighting.

So, we went to see what we could see. Arrived on the scene, we parked down the road and walked both sides of it to examine the brush for evidence. On one side, Jim, the other researcher found some matted grass, as though a large animal had laid or sat down.

We also found several small breaks and plenty of various food plants. We continued on up the powerline and found more of the same. I approached one point and got a strong feeling that something was watching us and didn't want us there.

We ran out of time and had to head back to town, unfortunately. While we found no conclusive evidence, we will be returning to the site for a follow up bisit. I'm also going to be producing a video and putting it up on my YouTube channel.  Happy Squatchin' folks!

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Jemez Springs Bigfoot Barbeque

Here's a link to a September 2nd event in New Mexico that sounds like a fun time for all...

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Route 26 Bigfoot Incident

Well, here I am again. It's been a while, as I've been trying to boost my Bigfoot Tales project on Facebook. That's not working out so well so I've decided to pretty much terminate my pages there in the near future.

So what have I been up to?

Due to some injuries sustained last year I haven't been able to get in the woods like I used to. But I've still been busy.

Today, I want to share a brief Bigfoot tale of a sighting along route 26 in western Maine.

I ran in to a gentleman in a parking lot that was discussing something he saw while driving west on that scenic Maine route. Apparently this was at dusk, so I place the time at around 8:30 pm given the time of year it was.

He looked to his left, which places the incident to the western side of the road. He observed what he thought was a big man working in his garden.

The figure stood up, holding root crops in both of its hands, but instead of it being just a big man, it was huge, and looked to be about 8 feet tall.

He slowed down quickly and stared at the giant figure. He told me it looked like a giant hair covered man. The figure turned and disappeared into the tall brush at the back of the garden.

Just then a friend of the man I was talking to walked up and put an end to our conversation. I saw him once more after that, but he wouldn't give me anymore information. He swore that what he saw was real, but he didn't want to talk about it again.

Apparently he was told that people who shared these sighting events were ridiculed and he couldn't afford that sort of publicity.

That leaves me without any substantiation to the story. So, somewhere in western Maine along route 26 there may be a Bigfoot lurking around stealing food from your garden.

Until next time, happy Bigfoot hunting!